Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Support the other

It does take two to tango.

In tango, you are two people dancing. One follows and one leads. Everything is improvised. In order for the follower to understand what the leader wants they communicate in a subtle way that makes tango look so fluid and so full of secrets.

The communication between the two happens through connecting points like the arms, shoulders, hands. Both parts, the leader and the follower must have their own balance, their own internal support and be in their own axis and not lean onto each other. I'll give you a good image that my teacher shared with me the other evening:

someone is out swimming and suddenly needs help. A person on the beach swims out to support the other. Once there the person drowning, or afraid of drowning, clings onto the rescuer. And both starts to drown.

In order to get safe into land the drowner needs to support the rescuer, as the rescuer is there to support the drowner. Like this both will get safley into land.

Same thing in tango as in life: support the other, not lean onto each other.
Not use the other one for your own support but rather support yourself and the other and you will get support back. You will create a flow and momentum in your life that will make you stronger and stronger.

- You gain more from supporting yourself and your surrounding than using it to get some more air, for just a moment -


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